- Beyond Uncertainty: Reasoning with Unknown Possibilities
(with Stefánsson, H.O. ) 2021. Cambridge University Press
- What the Demands of Sustainability Can(not) Be
(with Cato, S. ) PRE-PRINT (December 01, 2024). Available at SSRN: - Meta-Uncertainty and the Proof Paradoxes
(with Colyvan, M. ) 2023. Philosophical Studies 180: 1927-1950
- Moral Uncertainty, Noncognitivism, and the Multi-Objective Story
(with Robinson, P. ) 2022. Nous 57: 922-941 - Transformative experience, awareness growth and the limits of rational planning
(with Stefánsson, H.O.) 2022. Philosophy of Science 89(5): 939-948 - Belief Revision for Growing Awareness
(with Stefánsson, H.O. ) 2021. Mind 130(4): 1207-1232 - The distinct moral importance of acting together
2022. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 104(2): 505-510 - Why time discounting should be exponential: A reply to Callender
2022. Australian Philosophical Review 5(3): 284-295 - Levelling counterfactual scepticism
(with Sandgren, A.) 2021. Synthese, 199: 927-947 - How to be imprecise and yet immune to sure loss
2021. Synthese, 199: 427-444 - The problem of evaluating automated large-scale evidence aggregators
(with Wüthrich, N. ) 2017. Synthese, online 28 November 2017 - The Diversity of Model Tuning Practices in Climate Science
(with Charlotte Werndl) 2016. Philosophy of Science 83(5), 1133–1144 - Can free evidence be bad? Value of information for the imprecise probabilist
(with Bradley, S. ) 2016. Philosophy of Science 83, 1–28 - Making Climate Decisions: Climate Policy and Decision-Making
(with Bradley, R. ) 2015. Philosophy Compass 10, 799–810 - Model tuning in engineering: Uncovering the logic
(with Werndl, C. ) 2015. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 51, 63–71 - Should Subject Probabilities Be Sharp?
(with Bradley, S. ) 2014. Episteme 11, 277–289 - Uncertainty, Learning, and the “Problem” of Dilation
(with Bradley, S. ) 2014. Erkenntnis 79, 1287–1303 - Persistent Experimenters, Stopping Rules, and Statistical Inference
2013. Erkenntnis 78, 937–961 - Climate Models, Calibration, and Confirmation
(with Werndl, C. ) 2013. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 64, 609–635 - Testimony as Evidence: More Problems for Linear Pooling
2012. Journal of Philosophical Logic 41, 983–999 - The scientist qua policy advisor makes value judgments
2012. Philosophy of Science 79, 893–904 - Modelling the moral dimension of decisions
(with Colyvan, M., Cox, D. ) 2010. Noûs 44, 503–529 - What are the minimal requirements of rational choice? Arguments from the sequential-decision setting
2010. Theory and Decision 68, 463–487 - Assessing Ethical Trade-Offs in Ecological Field Studies
(with Parris, K. M., McCall, S. C., McCarthy, M. A., Minteer, B. A., Bekessy, S. and Medvecky, F.) 2010. Journal of Applied Ecology 47, 227–234 - Uses and Misuses of Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) in Environmental Decision Making
(with Carmel, Y., Cross, J., Wilcox, C. ) 2009. Risk Analysis 29, 26–33 - Distinguishing indeterminate belief from “risk-averse” preferences
2007. Synthese 158, 189–205 - Right Decisions or Happy Decision‐makers?
(with Regan, H.M., Colyvan, M., Burgman, M.A. ) 2007. Social Epistemology 21, 349–368 - The precautionary principle: a new approach to public decision-making?
2006. Law, Probability and Risk 5, 19–31
Book Chapters and Encyclopedia Entries
- Longtermism and Neutrality about More Lives in Essays on Longtermism
forthcoming. Barrett, J., Greaves, H. and Thorstad, D. (eds.) Oxford University Press. - Philosophy of Climate Science in Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
(with Bradley, R., Frigg, R., Thompson, E. and Werndl, C.) 2021. - Incommensurability that can(not) be ignored in Value Incommensurability
2022. Herlitz, A. and Andersson, H. (eds.) Routledge, chapter 11, pp. 231-246. - Pareto improvements and Feasible Climate Solutions in Philosophy and Climate Change
2021. Budolfson, M., McPherson, T. and Plunkett, D. (eds.) Oxford University Press. - Dynamic Decision Theory in Introduction to Formal Philosophy
2018. Hansson, S. O. and Hendricks, V. F. (eds.) Springer, chapter 35 - Decision Theory in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
(with Stefánsson, H.O.) Winter 2015 Edition. Edward N. Zalta (ed.) - The Philosophy of Climate Science in History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems
(with Bradley, R. Frigg, R., Thompson, E. and Werndl, C.). C. Galles, P. Lorenzano, E. Ortiz, and H.-J. Rheinberger (eds.) Volume 4, Isle of Man: Eolss. - Choice Models in Understanding Society: An Introduction to the Philosophy of the Social Sciences
2014. Cartwright, N. and Montuschi, E. (eds.), OUP, chapter 10 - Environmental Ethics and Decision Theory: Fellow Travellers or Bitter Enemies? in Handbook of the Philosophy of Science Volume 11: Philosophy of Ecology
(with Colvyan, M.) 2011. Brown, B. de Laplante, K. and Peacock, K. (eds.), North Holland/Elsevier, 285–299
Book Reviews
- Review of Daniel Steel’s Philosophy and the Precautionary Principle: Science, Evidence and Environmental Policy
(with Camilla Colombo) 2016. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 67(4), 1195–1200 - Review of Clive Hamilton’s Requiem for a Species
2010. Climate Law 1(3), 450–454 - Review of José Luis Bermúdez’s Decision Theory and Rationality
2010. Metascience, 19(3), 449–451 - Review of Dan Egonsson’s Preference and Information
2009. Economics and Philosophy, 25(2), 236–242 - Review of Husain Sarkar’s Group Rationality in Scientific Research
2007. Notre-Dame Philosophical Reviews (online) - Review of Val Plumwood’s Environmental Culture: The Ecological Crisis of Reason
2005. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 83(1), 145–146
Other materials
- Longtermism - why the million-year philosophy can't be ignored
2022. The Conversation, online 19 December 2022. - 'Conditional Commitments': the diplomatic strategy that could make Australia do its fair share on climate change
2021. The Conversation, online 28 May 2021.. - Individual Difference-Making and Climate Change: Tragedy of Collective Action or Culpable Collusion?
2020. Public Ethics Blog, online 21 December 2020. - The Environment in Ethics Matters ABC Education TV Series presented by Dan Halliday
(guest appearance, also featuring Singer, P.) 2017. Episode 12 - ACERA Project 607 Report - Evaluation and Development of Formal Consensus Methods
(with Burgman, M., Colyvan, C., Lyon, A. and Regan, H.) 2009. - Allais's Problem and the Independence Axiom [useful teaching resource]
2007. Chapter 4 of PhD Thesis. University of Sydney - Precautionary Decision Making: An examination of Bayesian Decision Norms in the Dynamic Choice Context
2007. Full PhD Thesis. University of Sydney